About Our School

Welcome to Destinations Career Academy of Georgia! We are a full-time online public school for grades 6–10, currently enrolling students for the 2024–2025 school year. Our school will immerse students in learning linked to career readiness beginning with career awareness and exploration in middle school. This exploration will lead students to their chosen high school program, including courses, professional skills development, counseling, mentoring, work-based experiences, and opportunities to earn industry-recognized certifications in career pathways based on their career interests. Upon graduation, students will be prepared to pursue a specific career, postsecondary education, or both!

Get Ahead With Career and College Prep

Although the future can seem far off, students who begin preparing for careers in middle and high school can gain significant advantages. GADCA students can explore career fields to discover and pursue their interests. Whether they already know where they’re headed or are just beginning to find their path, this program can help get them where they want to go.

*Destinations Career Academy of Georgia will enroll students in grades 6–10 for the 2024–2025 school year. We will add one additional grade per year until we serve all grade levels from 6–12.